Since Zarafa 6.20 two kinds of delegation are available: Send on behalf and Send as. In earlier versions, only Send on behalf is available.
4.11.1. Send on behalf of permissions
Send on Behalf permissions: if a user grants the appropriate permission to another user, the latter can send items on behalf of the other user. In this case an email or meeting request will be sent showing it was on behalf of the other user. The recipient will see in the From: field something similar to ‘_<delegate> on behalf of <user>_’. For example Pete enters the inbox of info and sends an email on behalf of the non-active user info, the following would be seen:
Send As permissions: the system administrator can grant permission to user B to send as user A. The recipient(s) will not see that user B actually sent it; only user A appears in the From: field. See the Administrator manual on how to grant Send As permissions to users.
Figure 4.18. Show From: field in new email
Due to security reasons the send as permission is only configurable by the administrator on the Zarfa server. However, this setting can always be overruled by the user itself and the old on behalf of permission can still be set by the user.
If the (bounce) message below is returned when sending an email on behalf of, please contact the systems administrator.
You are not allowed to send as the given user.
Due to the introduction of the Send As permissions in Zarafa 6.20 the previous abilities to send on behalf of are reset when upgrading to version 6.20 or higher; an administrator or the user who wants to delegate has to give the rights or permissions again.
Keep in mind that Send on Behalf permissions always overrules Send As permissions so a user can always choose not to let another user (mis)use send as permissions.