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Chapter 4. Scenarios

4.1. Email archiving for storage purposes
4.2. Email archiving for keeping an email history
Email archiving are typically designed for two different scenarios.
Zarafa Archiver can be configured for both purposes.

4.1. Email archiving for storage purposes

The volume of incoming emails is still growing at most organisations, where most mailbox quotas will not be increased. Users will organise and archive emails to pst files to keep their mailbox clean.
By implementing the Zarafa Archiver all older emails can be stored on central located archive server. Where the archive database is typically stored on slower and cheaper storage. Storing the older emails on a different server will result in a smaller mailboxes of the primary server and therefore a better performant primary server. By having the archived emails stored centrally, the disadvantages of pst files can be eliminated:
  • Not possible to access archive pst by multiple users
  • PST are unmanagable by organisation
  • PST files are often stored locally and therefore are not part of the backup
  • PST files have slow network performance
With the stubbing feature the user can transparently access emails from the primary mailbox, where the actual body and attachment of the emails are accessed from the archive server. With the direct connection to the archive mailboxes, users can access there archived emails which are not available as stub in the primary mailbox.