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Chapter 5. Configure for storage optimization

5.1. Example 1
5.2. Example 2
5.3. Unread mail
5.4. Other settings
For storage optimization there are three important questions:
  1. How long do the messages need to exist as normal item in the primary store?
  2. How long do the messages need to be accessible from the primary store?
  3. How long do the messages need to be accessible from the archive store?
The answers to these questions determine how to configure the zarafa-archiver.

5.1. Example 1

Let’s assume the answers to the earlier listed archiver questions are:
  1. 30 days
  2. 1 year (365 days)
  3. 5 years (1826 days)
Then the following settings should be set in /etc/zarafa/archiver.cfg
archive_enable  = yes
archive_after   = 30

stub_enable     = yes
stub_after      = 0

delete_enable   = yes
delete_after    = 365

purge_enable    = yes
purge_after     = 1826

cleanup_follow_purge_after  = yes
The archive_enable = yes setting enables the archive operation, which is essentially the copying from the primary node to the archive node. The archive_after = 30 setting causes the archive operation to be performed 30 days after the message was delivered.
The stub_enable = yes setting enables the stub operation, which is essentially the operation on the primary message where the body and the attachments are removed. The stub_after = 0 setting causes the message to be stubbed 0 days after delivery but only if the message is archived. This setting could also be set to 30. Effectively this causes the messages on the primary node to be stubbed immediately after the archive operation.


Set stub_after to 30 if the archive on delivery feature is enabled, see Chapter 6, Configure for history preservation for more information. Setting stub_after to 0 in that case will cause all newly delivered messages to be stubbed on the first archive run.
The delete_enable = yes setting enables the delete operation. The delete operation deletes messages from the primary node if they are archived. The delete_after = 365 causes the delete operation to be performed 1 year after delivery time if the message is archived.
The purge_enable = yes and purge_after = 1826 options cause messages to be deleted from the archive 1826 days after they were delivered on the primary node.
The cleanup_follow_purge_after is set to yes to make sure a cleanup run won’t delete items from the archive because they don’t exist in the primary store anymore.


When an item is purged, it’s no longer available on the mail system. Please be careful by setting this option.