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4.3. Basic Configuration

The configuration of the Archive Controller has to be done in /etc/zarafa/archiver.cfg.

4.3.1. Connection Parameters

As with all Zarafa components, zarafa-archiver needs to know where to connect to and how to authenticate. This is configured using the server_socket, sslkey_file and sslkey_pass settings.
For instance:
server_socket   = file:///var/run/zarafa
sslkey_file     = /etc/zarafa/ssl/certificate.pem
sslkey_pass     = zarafa
For more information about creating and configuring SSL certificates, see

4.3.2. MySQL Settings

zarafa-archiver uses one central MySQL database for managing deduplication of archived attachments. The MySQL settings can be configured like this:
mysql_host      = localhost
mysql_port      = 3306
mysql_user      = root
mysql_password  =
mysql_socket    =
mysql_database  = zarafa-archiver