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5.2. Example 2

Now let’s assume the answers to the earlier listed archiver questions are:
  1. 30 days
  2. 30 days
  3. Forever
Then the following settings should be set in /etc/zarafa/archiver.cfg
archive_enable  = yes
archive_after   = 30

stub_enable     = no
stub_after      = 0

delete_enable   = yes
delete_after    = 0

purge_enable    = no
purge_after     = 0

cleanup_follow_purge_after  = yes
In this case there’s no reason to stub the primary messages as they will be deleted anyway. Therefore stub_enable is set to no. The stub_after setting is ignored.
The delete_enable setting is still set to yes, but delete_after is now set to 0, causing the messages to be deleted immediately after they’re archived.
The purge_enable = no makes sure all messages are kept in the archive forever.