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7.2. Manual

zarafa-archiver allows one to attach archives to, detach archives from and list archives of users. A user can have more than one archive attached to allow redundant archives. In those cases these archives are usually on a different server, but that’s not mandatory.

7.2.1. Creating an archive store

Creating an archive store is not different from creating a non-active store. So for each archive store a new non-active user must be created in the LDAP/ADS back-end. To keep the address book clean it’s recommended (but not required) to hide the user by setting the zarafaHidden attribute to 1.
Creating an archive store in ADS
Figure 7.3. Creating an archive store in ADS

7.2.2. Attaching an archive

After an archive mailbox is created, a user can be attached to the archive mailbox. The simplest way to attach an archive mailbox to a user is as follows:
zarafa-archiver -u <user name> --attach-to <archive store>
This causes a folder with the full name of user name to be created in the archive store. This folder is attached to the primary store for user name and used as the root of the archive, see screen shot.
Figure 7.4. Archive store folderlist

A user will have by default read-only permissions on the archive store. To change the default permissions on the archive store, use the -w option when attaching the store.
zarafa-archiver -u <user name> --attach-to <archive store> -w


When multiple users are connected to a single archive store. A user will only have access to his/her personal archive and not to the other archives.
If desired, the automatic folder name can be overridden by providing an alternate name:
zarafa-archiver -u <user name> --attach-to <archive store> \
        --archive-name <folder name>
This causes a folder with the name folder name to be created in the archive store. This folder is attached to the primary store for user name and used as the root of the archive.
In a one-to-one archive configuration, it’s usually not desired to create a folder in the archive store at all. In this case the creation of a folder can be inhibited:
zarafa-archiver -u <user name> --attach-to <archive store> --no-folder
This causes the root of the archive store to be attached to the primary store for user name.
In a single-server configuration, zarafa-archiver will not be able to connect to the correct archive server based on the archive store name. In this case the full path to the archive server must be specified:
zarafa-archiver -u <user name> --attach-to <archive store> \
        --archive-server <full server path>
The full server path is in the form http[s]://<address>:<port>/zarafa.

7.2.3. Listing attached archives

To see which archives are attached to a users primary store execute the following command:
zarafa-archiver -u <user name> --list
This will output a list of attached archives. Each line contains the name of the archive store, the name of the folder that acts as root of the archive and the access rights the owner has in the archive.
The store name will equal the name that was passed when the archive was attached. The archive folder name will be one of three things. It will be the full name of the user if no name was specified when the archive was attached. If a name was specified, the archive folder will be that name. Or if the archive was attached in a one-to-one configuration, it will be Root Folder.
The access rights will be Read Only when the archive was attached without write permissions. If it was attached with write access it will be Read Write. If the permissions were manually changes since the archive was attached, the rights field will display the appropriate role for the rights or all the rights if no matching role exists.

7.2.4. Detaching an archive

Normally an archive can be detached with the following command:
zarafa-archiver -u <user name> --detach-from <archive store>
If an entry for the archive store is found in the list of attached archives in the primary store, that entry will be removed.
In the rare occasion where a user has multiple attached archives from the same archive store, zarafa-archiver will not be able to determine which one the detach from. In that case the folder name also needs to be specified:
zarafa-archiver -u <user name> --detach-from <archive store> \
        --archive-name <folder name>
Alternatively an archive can be detached by specifying the archive number. This number can be obtained by first listing the attached archives for the user. This method can also be used to detach automatically attached archives. However, zarafa-archiver will reattach it on the next run.
> zarafa-archiver -u user -l
User 'user1' has 2 attached archives:
    0: Store: Inbox - archive, Folder: user1-archive, Rights: [Read Only]
    1: Store: Inbox - archive new, Folder: user1-archive, Rights: [Read Write]

> zarafa-archiver -u user -D 0
Successfully detached archive.

> zarafa-archiver -u user -l
User 'user1' has 2 attached archives:
    0: Store: Inbox - archive new, Folder: user1-archive, Rights: [Read Write]


When detaching an archive that already contained archived and stubbed messages, the stubbed messages can still be opened.

7.2.5. Listing users that have an archive attached

To see which users have an archive attached execute the following command:
zarafa-archiver --list-archiveusers

7.2.6. See details of archive store

The details of an archive store can be obtained in two ways:
  • By requesting the details of the user owning the archive:
> zarafa-admin --details user1
Username:           user1
Fullname:           User 1
Emailaddress:       user1@cluster.sio2
Active:             yes
Administrator:      no
Address book:       Visible
Auto-accept meeting req:no
Home server:        cnode-1
Last logon:         12/09/2011 03:41:32 PM
Last logoff:        12/09/2011 03:41:32 PM
Mapped properties:
    PR_GIVEN_NAME           User
    PR_SURNAME              One
Attached archives:  1
    Root Folder in Archive - User 1 [Read Only]
Quota overrides:    no
Warning level:      unlimited
Soft level:         unlimited
Hard level:         unlimited
Current store size: 14.86 MiB
Groups (1):

Archive details on node 'cnode-2':
Current store size: 114.68 MiB
All attached archive details are appended at the end.
  • By explicitly requesting the archive details on a specific node:
> zarafa-admin --details user1 --type archive --node cnode-2
Current store size: 114.68 MiB


The node on which the archive is stored must be passed in order to find the archive.
These methods only apply to genuine archive stores. Details of regular stores that are manually attached as archives can be obtained by obtaining the details of the user owning that store:
> zarafa-admin --details archive
Username:           archive
Fullname:           Archive Store
Emailaddress:       archive@cluster.sio2
Active:             no
Administrator:      no
Address book:       Hidden
Auto-accept meeting req:no
Home server:        cnode-2
Last logon:         12/09/2011 03:41:32 PM
Last logoff:        12/09/2011 03:41:32 PM
Mapped properties:
    PR_GIVEN_NAME           Archive
    PR_SURNAME              Archive
Quota overrides:    no
Warning level:      unlimited
Soft level:         unlimited
Hard level:         unlimited
Current store size: 114.68 MiB
Groups (1):

7.2.7. Unhooking an archive store

An archive store can be unhooked the same way as a regular store, but with the addition of the type and node arguments:
> zarafa-admin --unhook-store user1 --type archive --node cnode-2
Store unhooked.

7.2.8. Hooking an archive store

An archive store can be hooked the same way as a regular store, but with the addition of the type and node arguments:
> zarafa-admin --list-orphans --node cnode-2
Stores without users:
    Store guid                          Guessed username    Last login      Store size  Store type
    F1A6BFCD67604B0FB733F746F1D00A91    user1               <unknown>       0           archive
> zarafa-admin --hook-store F1A6BFCD67604B0FB733F746F1D00A91 -u user1 --type archive --node cnode-2
Store hooked.

7.2.9. Removing an archive store

An archive store can be removed the same way as a regular store, but with the addition of the type and node arguments:
> zarafa-admin --unhook-store user1 --type archive --node cnode-2
Store unhooked.
> zarafa-admin --list-orphans --node cnode-2
Stores without users:
    Store guid                          Guessed username    Last login      Store size  Store type
    F1A6BFCD67604B0FB733F746F1D00A91    user1               <unknown>       0           archive
> zarafa-admin --remove-store F1A6BFCD67604B0FB733F746F1D00A91 --node cnode-2
Store removed.