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Chapter 5. Appendix A; Configuration options command line tool

5.1. Config File
5.2. Command line parameters

5.1. Config File

Use with UI
Rename this file to config.cfg and place in installation
directory and click tick box read from config.cfg
on first wizard page.
Use with CmdClient
Either rename to config.cfg and place in
installation directory and run CmdClient
withouth arguments.
Or run the CmdClient with option
'-f config_template.cfg'
config_template.cfg available in migrator installation directory:
#                   MIGRATOR SETTINGS   Template File
# Use with UI:          Rename this file to config.cfg and place in installation
#                       directory and click tick box read from config.cfg
#                       on first wizard page.
# Use with CmdClient:   Either rename to config.cfg and place in
#                       installation directory and run CmdClient
#                       withouth arguments.
#                       Or run the CmdClient with option
#                       '-f config_template.cfg'

# Source selection. Exchange, Zarafa, PST and Scalix are supported
datasource_type                 =           Exchange
#datasource_type                =           Zarafa
#datasource_type                =           PST
#datasource_type                =           Scalix

# Exchange source settings
exchange_source_host            = 
exchange_source_profile         =           adminMailProfile
#exchange_source_admin_user     =           adminUser
#exchange_source_admin_password =           adminUserPassword

# Zarafa source settings
#zarafa_source_host             = 
#zarafa_source_profile          =           adminMailProfile
#zarafa_source_admin_user       =           adminUser
#zarafa_source_admin_password   =           adminUserPassword

# PST source settings
#pst_source_path                =           c:\tmp\pst
#pst_source_format              =           UNICODE

# Scalix source settings
#scalix_source_profile          =           adminMailProfile

# Destination selection. Zarafa and PST are supported
destination_type                    =       Zarafa
#destination_type                   =       PST

# Zarafa destination settings
zarafa_destination_host             =
zarafa_destination_profile          =       adminMailProfile
#zarafa_destination_admin_user      =       adminUser
#zarafa_destination_admin_password  =       adminUserPassword

# PST derstination settings
#pst_destination_path               =       c:\tmp\pst
#pst_destination_format             =       UNICODE

# Coupling settings
coupling_type                   =           CSV
coupling_csv_file_path          =           mapping_exch_to_zarafa_template.csv
#coupling_csv_delimeter         =           ,

# Advanced options
migrate_junk_folder             =           FALSE
migrate_delete_folder           =           FALSE

# Log options
logging_enable                  =           TRUE
logging_level                   =           3
logging_file_path               =           ZarafaMigrator.log

# Data filte used to filter items older than data set
#date_filter                =       2008/02/22-21:23:43