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ZCP 7.0 (build 41322)

Zarafa Collaboration Platform

Release Notes

Edition 7.0

The Zarafa Team

Legal Notice

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The Zarafa Collaboration Platform (ZCP) combines the usability of Outlook with the stability and flexibility of a Linux server. It features a rich web-interface, the Zarafa WebAccess, and provides brilliant integration options with all sorts of clients including all most popular mobile platforms.
Most components of ZCP are open source, licensed under the AGPLv3, can therefore be downloaded freely as ZCP's Community Edition.
Several closed source components exist, most notably:
  • the Zarafa Windows Client providing Outlook integration,
  • the Zarafa BES Integration providing Blackberry Enterprise Server connectivity,
  • the Zarafa ADS Plugin providing Active Directory integration, and
  • the Zarafa Backup Tools.
These components, together with several advanced features for large setups and hosters, are only available in combination with a support contract as part of ZCP's Commercial Editions.
Alternatively there is a wide selection of hosted ZCP offerings available worldwide.
This document, the release notes, will describe all new features and architecture changes in the ZCP.

1. Introduction
1.1. Intended Audience
2. Changes for end users
2.1. Unicode support
2.2. Send from Openoffice
2.3. Outlook changes
2.4. WebAccess changes
3. Changes for Administrators
3.1. New packaging layout
3.2. Unicode backend support
3.3. Improved IMAP gateway
3.4. IO improvements
3.5. Python MAPI binding
3.6. New Zarafa-admin changes
3.7. Lucene indexer improvements
3.8. Zarafa-dagent debug option
3.9. Syncronise GAB realtime
3.10. Security logging
3.11. User access control
4. Upgrading to ZCP 7.0
4.1. Config file changes 7.0.0
4.1.1. server.cfg
4.1.2. example-msr.cfg
4.1.3. Indexer.cfg
4.1.4. licensed.cfg
4.1.5. dagent.cfg
5. Changes in 7.0.1
5.1. Configuration file changes 7.0.1
6. Changes in 7.0.2
7. Changes in 7.0.3
7.1. Configuration file changes
8. Changes in 7.0.4
8.1. Configuration file changes
9. Changes in 7.0.5
9.1. Configuration file changes
10. Changes in 7.0.6
10.1. Configuration file changes
11. Changes in 7.0.7
11.1. Configuration file changes
12. Changes in 7.0.8
12.1. Configuration file changes
13. Changes in 7.0.9
13.1. Configuration file changes
14. Changes in 7.0.10
14.1. Configuration file changes
15. Changes in 7.0.11
15.1. Configuration file changes
16. Changes in 7.0.12
16.1. Configuration file changes 7.0.12
17. Changes in 7.0.13
17.1. Configuration file changes 7.0.13

Chapter 1. Introduction

The Zarafa Collaboration Platform (ZCP) is an open source software suite capable of replacing Microsoft Exchange. It’s architecture is very modular, makes use of standards wherever possible, and integrates with common open source components.
This release notes will give an overview of the new features and changes in the architecture in the ZCP 7.0. The ZCP 7.0 release contains mainly backend improvements and changes.


Although we, Zarafa, try our best to keep the information in these notes as accurate as possible, we withold the right to modify this information at any time, without prior notice.

1.1. Intended Audience

These release notes are intended for endusers and system administrators responsible for installing, maintaining, and supporting the ZCP software and it’s deployment.

Chapter 2. Changes for end users

2.1. Unicode support

The largest change in ZCP 7.0 is the full support for UTF-8 (unicode) in all components. Which means ZCP can now be used in Eastern Europe, Asia and other parts of the world.
“Unicode in ZCP WebAccess”
Figure 2.1. Unicode in ZCP WebAccess

2.2. Send from Openoffice

ZCP 7.0 offers a expirimental direct integration with Openoffice. With the integration WebAccess users, can configure the WebAccess as the default email client in Openoffice. When sending an document per email directly from Openoffice, the Zarafa WebAccess will be automatically opened and the document will be uploaded.
“Send directly from Openoffice”
Figure 2.2. Send directly from Openoffice

To improve the usability of this feature, installers have been created for the Windows, SLES and Ubuntu desktop platforms. As the functionality also depends on other components like the open office version and its particulars it is adviced to perform environment tests before general usage. The integration may be downloaded at

2.3. Outlook changes

The ZCP 7.0 release doesn’t contain any new Outlook features, except for the UTF-8 support in the Zarafa Windows Client.

2.4. WebAccess changes

The Zarafa WebAccess is extended with the option to add items from the mailbox to a new email, which is also called message in message.
“Message in message feature”
Figure 2.3. Message in message feature

Chapter 3. Changes for Administrators

3.1. New packaging layout

To make it easier for Administrators to deploy specific components of ZCP on the servers, the packaging layout is changed in ZCP 7.0 The new packaging layout is displayed in the following table:
Table 3.1. Package layout
Package name Description
Contains the php-mapi extension
Contains the Python MAPI bindings for Zarafa
Contains the python licensed bindings for zarafa
Can be used to install the complete ZCP stack on a server
Contains the zarafa backup and restore tools
Contains the MAPI provider for the MAPI clients
Contains the delivery dagent
Contains the POP3/IMAP gateway
Contains the iCAL/Caldav gateway
Contains the de-stubbing libary for the Zarafa Archiver
Contains the conversion libraries for email and calendaring
Contains the non opensource binaries and config files
Contains the full text search engine
Contains the quota monitor
Contains the multi-server libraries
Contains the backend server and configuration files
Contains the spooler
Contains the administration tools, like zarafa-admin and zarafa-fsck
Contains the Bricklevel backup tool
Contains the WebAccess
Contains the mobile WebAccess
Contains the multi-user calendar for WebAccess
Contains addtional licensed archiver tools

3.2. Unicode backend support

All ZCP components are UTF-8 (unicode) compatible in ZCP 7.0. Unicode offers support for 109000 characters and is expressed in most of the world’s writing systems. Not only folders and items with unicode characters can be used, but also user information can be created in UTF8.
zarafa-admin -c "名前のわからない人" -P -f "名前のわからない人" -e
Zarafa offers an upgrade procedure for existing users of ZCP. Please check the Administrator Manual for more information about upgrading an existing ZCP installation.

3.3. Improved IMAP gateway

To offer a better compatibility for users with generic IMAP clients like Mac Mail and Thunderbird, the Zarafa Gateway is rewritten in ZCP 7.0. The new IMAP gateway offers a new configuration option to store more message information, like the envelope information, bodystructure and whole RFC822 message. By storing this extra information, the gateway doesn’t have to do a conversions from MAPI to RFC822, which will speed up the gateway tremendously.


The optimized storage will always be used when users have access to the IMAP/POP3. By default these services are disabled, so no extra storage is used after the upgrade to ZCP 7.0. Please read Section 3.11, “User access control” for more information about enabling the IMAP/POP3 service per user or globally for all users.
Not only a major speed improvement is realised with this option, but also the following issues will be solved:
  • Support for PGP/mime emails
  • Support for s/mime encrypted emails
  • All message headers can be retrieved
The gateway is also extended with the following capabilities:
  • Quota support: to view your mailbox size and quota in your IMAP client
  • UIDplus support: to reduce the amount of time and resources used by some client operations
“Mailbox quota visible in IMAP”
Figure 3.1. Mailbox quota visible in IMAP

3.4. IO improvements

ZCP 7.0 has some major database changes to realise a higher IO performance and support more concurrent users on a single Zarafa Server.
The largest database architecture changes in the introduction on a new table called tproperties. This table will contain all mapi properties which will be displayed when opening view in the client, for example the calendar week view or the inbox view.
During the upgrade process this table will be filled with all required mapi properties of existing data. In large email environments this process can take some time.
All other mapi properties like bodies, headers are still stored in the properties table.
For upgrading previous Zarafa versions and database conversions, please read the upgrade section of these release notes.

3.5. Python MAPI binding

The Python language binding provides a python interface to the messaging API used by Zarafa, MAPI. The original interface is an object-oriented C++ interface, and the interfaces provided to Python are designed to be completely analogous to the C\++ interface. Various tools and utilities can be created using these interfaces, allowing for interfacing, extentions and custom applications.
>>>admin = store.QueryInterface(IID_IExchangeManageStore)
>>>userEntryID = admin.CreateStoreEntryID('', username, 0)
>>>return session.OpenMsgStore(0, userEntryID, None, MDB_WRITE | MDB_NO_DIALOG)
For more information and code examples of the Python MAPI binding, see the developer documentation.

3.6. New Zarafa-admin changes

The Zarafa-admin tool could already list orphant mailbox and hook an orphant mailbox to a user. In ZCP 7.0 it’s also possible to unhook a store of a user.
zarafa-admin --unhook-store <username>
To publish the zarafa cache statistics to terminal and replacing the former SIGUSR1 signal, the statistics can now only be displayed by using:
zarafa-stats --system
The use of the SIGUSR2 signal was removed in favor of a new command in line with other administrative command structures, to clear the internal zarafa cache issue the command.
zarafa-admin --clear-cache
The new performance improvements in ZCP 7.0 will introduce a deferred updates table, which contains items before they are actually written to the properties table. To purge this defered table manually, the zarafa-admin tool can be executed with the following option.
zarafa-admin --purge-deferred
To get an easy overview of available and used subscriptions, the zarafa-admin is extended with the following option.
zarafa-admin --user-count
To force a full resync of an Outlook caching mode profile, the zarafa-admin is extended with the following option.
zarafa-admin --force-resync <username>
After executing this command all items on the server for this user will be downloaded again in the caching mode profile.

3.7. Lucene indexer improvements

The Zarafa server’s Lucene indexer was extended to support search in Public stores and delegate stores. Using this improvements the content is pre-indexed and searching these folders does not directly impact the database, allowing for searches on folders with much content. Also the speed of indexing process of attachments is improved, and allows for exclusions of specified MIME and extention attachment types.

3.8. Zarafa-dagent debug option

The Zarafa dagent is extended with a debug option. When enabling the option the raw RFC822 email file of all incoming is stored in the specified directory. When the delivery fails or the email has a strange format after the delivery, Zarafa Support will ask often for raw email files to further debug the issue. With the option saving the raw emails files will be much easier. To use the option add the following options in the dagent.cfg.
log_raw_message = yes
log_raw_message_path = /tmp
By default the option is disabled.

3.9. Syncronise GAB realtime

To optimise performance with large Global Address Books in ldap configurations a setting sync_gab_realtime is optional in server.cfg configuration file. When set to yes, zarafa will synchronize the local user list whenever a list of users is requested (eg during zarafa-admin -l or when opening the addressbook). This was the default for zarafa 6.40.4 and earlier versions. When setting this value to no, synchronization will only occur during zarafa-admin --sync. This is useful for setups which have large addressbooks (more than 5000 entries in the addressbook). When using the cache option, the server.cfg option cache_userdetails_size needs to have a sufficient size set, e.g. 128000000. This option is forced to yes when using the db plugin since synchronization is implicit in that case.

3.10. Security logging

To store log security details of mailbox access by others then the owner the enhanced security logging may be activated. This can be used to e.g. look for suspicious activity by users that have specific rights. The settings for this feature have been added to server.cfg using the parameters audit_log_enabled, audit_log_method (supporting syslog or file), the loglevel using audit_log_level and the audit_log_timestamp option.
The security logging was implemented using a 2 stage approach, storing essential information in syslog or file, and when required reading the logging with the use of a supplied log parser script.
The output is in human readable format like:
Allowed: Tue Mar 15 09:20:13 2011: access allowed rights=view type=folder objectid=store\4561\IPM_SUBTREE\Inbox username=Testuser2 ownername=Testuser1
Denied: Tue Mar 15 09:20:13 2011: access denied rights=view type=folder objectid=store\4561\IPM_SUBTREE\Inbox username=Testuser2 ownername=Testuser1


This feature is also available in 6.40.7 and higher versions.

3.11. User access control

The ZCP user plugins are extended with user access control. At the moment the POP3 and IMAP service can be enabled or disabled per user. When the IMAP/POP3 service is enabled for the user the extra IMAP/POP3 data will be stored.
The following table will show when a user can use IMAP or POP3.
Table 3.2. Access control overview
Service enabled for user Service disabled for user Nothing configured for user
Service listed in disable_feature in server.cfg
Service not listed in disable_feature in server.cfg

The /etc/zarafa/server.cfg has the new configuration option disabled_features. With this option globally imap/pop3 access can be controlled. This option can be overruled by the user plugin.
To enable imap or pop3 access for an individual user when using the db or unix plugin, use:
zarafa-admin -u john --enable-feature imap
zarafa-admin -u john --disable-feature pop3
When the ldap plugin is used, the access control will be stored in the attribute zarafaEnabledFeatures and zarafaDisabledFeatures. These multi-valued properties can contain any string, but only the features Zarafa knows about will actually be provided through the system. The values that can be currently used are imap and pop3.
In Active Directory the Zarafa plugin is extended with an additional tab, see the screenshot.
“User access control from ADS”
Figure 3.2. User access control from ADS


Make sure a particular feature isn’t listed in both zarafaEnabledFeatures and zarafaDisabledFeatures. Consistency will not be guaranteed.


Later on user access control for the other components, like Outlook, WebAccess and Z-Push will be added.

Chapter 4. Upgrading to ZCP 7.0

As described in the previous chapter ZCP 7.0 contains database architecture changes to fully support unicode and have a better IO performance to upscale the users per server.
Normally database updates are done automatically by the Zarafa server process at start time. When upgrading to ZCP 7.0 the database conversion can better be done with the provided upgrade utility. The upgrade utility provides a progress status and the upgrade is done in smaller database transactions, which is more effective for large databases.
Upgrading the Zarafa database will take a long time, please keep in mind that the Zarafa system can’t be used during this upgrade. To provide some insight into the upgrade duration we created an upgrade-calculation script to run on your 6.40 installation server. The estimate is rough as we refine it on a biweekly basis using community feedback. Download the script at:
The upgrade process to ZCP 7.0 is a large update, please read carefully the upgrade chapter in the Administrator Manual before doing the upgrade.

4.1. Config file changes 7.0.0

The following config files changes are done between 6.40.0 and 7.0.0 Please revew these lines for their values and presence in your current config file set.

4.1.1. server.cfg

# Time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to the license server before
# terminating the request.
license_timeout = 10
# Audit logging is by default not enabled
audit_log_enabled     = no
# Audit logging method (syslog, file), syslog facility is 'authpriv'
audit_log_method      = syslog
# Audit logfile (for log_method = file, '-' for stderr)
audit_log_file                = /var/log/zarafa/audit.log
# Audit loglevel (0=no logging, 1=full logging)
audit_log_level               = 1
# Audit log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
audit_log_timestamp   = 1
# Override the default MySQL socket to access mysql locally
# Works only if the mysql_host value is empty or 'localhost'
mysql_socket          =
# Time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to the zarafa-indexer service
# before terminating the indexed search request.
index_services_search_timeout = 10
# Synchronize GAB users on every open of the GAB (otherwise, only on
# zarafa-admin --sync)
sync_gab_realtime = yes
# Disable features for users. Default all features are enabled. This
# list is space separated. Currently valid values: imap
disabled_features =

4.1.2. example-msr.cfg

New example config file for the Mailbox Storage Relocator.

4.1.3. Indexer.cfg

# Filter out parsing of attachment which has a mimetype from this list
# Only the first part of the mime needs to be given, like 'image'.
# This field is SPACE separated
index_attachment_mime_filter =
# Filter out parsing of attachment which has an extension from this list
# (only tested if mimetype was not found on the attachment)
# This field is SPACE separated
index_attachment_extension_filter =

4.1.4. licensed.cfg

# Login to the Zarafa server using this SSL Key
sslkey_file         = /etc/zarafa/ssl/licensed.pem
# The password of the SSL Key
sslkey_pass         = replace-with-server-cert-password

4.1.5. dagent.cfg

# Log raw message to a file
log_raw_message = no
# Log raw messages path
log_raw_message_path = /tmp

Chapter 5. Changes in 7.0.1

Automatic linking of web addresses and email addresses Web addresses and email addresses in the body of HTML emails in WebAccess will now be automatically linkified, so they are directly clickable.

5.1. Configuration file changes 7.0.1

The dagent.cfg is extended for archiving
# messages on delivery.
# This will do nothing if no archive is attached to the target mailbox.
archive_on_delivery = no
The server.cfg is extended for archiving
# Enable archive_on_send to automatically archive all outgoing
# messages.
# This will do nothing if no archive is attached to the source mailbox.
archive_on_send = no

Chapter 6. Changes in 7.0.2

The ZCP 7.0.2 release has the following minor improvements.
Autoforward header in body of emails
Emails that are forwarded by the forward wizard rule will now contain an autoforwarded header. This header will show the user original sender, recipient address and will display that the email was forward by a wizard rule.
“Autoforward header in emails”
Figure 6.1. Autoforward in forwarded emails

Chapter 7. Changes in 7.0.3

Native support Outlook 2010
The 7.0.3 version will come with native support for Outlook 2010 in the Zarafa Windows Client. For the enhanced Outlook 2010 features it’s no longer required to install the Zarafa compatibility package.


The OL2010 beta compatibility package must be -deinstalled- prior to installing the 7.0.3 zarafa client.
Outlook 2010 conversation view support
The conversation view in Outlook 2010 is now supported with ZCP. This view will group emails by conversation for a better overview of all received and sent emails.
The Conversation view and options
Figure 7.1. The Conversation view and options

Support forward and redirect rules in WebAccess
The Zarafa WebAccess wizard rules dialog has now support for both forward and redirect rules. With a forward rule the sender is the person who forwarded the email, where a redirect rule will keep the original sender in the from address.
“Forward and redirect rules in WebAccess”
Figure 7.2. Forward and redirect rules in WebAccess

Support for inline forwarding
Microsoft Outlook offers the wizard rule to forward a email as an attachment. In ZCP 7.0.3 this rule is now supported and can also be configured in the Zarafa WebAccess.
Changes in meeting request booking
In earlier version of ZCP booking of resources was only possible by using the direct booking method. ZCP 7.0.3 is extended with support for so called "meeting request resource booking". With this new method external persons can book the resource, the capacity can be used to book the resource a limited amount of times and it’s no longer necessary to have write permissions to the resource calendar.
The new feature for meeting request bookings introduces a new dependency for dAgent on PHP, and might require on split-functionality server setups that this additional package is installed.
A full description of the resource changes can be found in the Administrator Manual.

7.1. Configuration file changes

The server.cfg is extended with two new configuration options.
The server has a list of deferred writes to the tproperties table, to improve overall I/O performance. The number of deferred writes is kept below this value; setting it high will allow writes to be more efficient by grouping more writes together, but may slow down reading, and setting it low will force writes to complete directly, but speed up reading of tables.
Same as the max_deferred_records variable, but per folder instead of total.
The spooler.cfg is extended with the following option.
Setting this option to no will disallow sending to the everyone group. The entire message will be bounced if this is attempted. When the option is set to yes, this allows sending to all users in the everyone group.
The gateway.cfg is extended with the following option:
By setting this option to no, the imap gateway will not store the whole rfc822 message on the filesystem. This option can be used when migrating data using the zarafa-gateway, where the users won’t use IMAP/POP3 after the migration.
The ical.cfg is extended with the following option:
This option enables the ical GET method to download an entire calendar. When set to yes, the GET method is enabled and allowed. If not, then calendars can only be retrieved with the CalDAV PROPFIND method, which is much more efficient. This option allows you to force the use of CalDAV which lowers load on your server.

Chapter 8. Changes in 7.0.4

Auto updater logging and registration
We now do more logging on the client installations and upgrade routines and these can be sent to the server as part of the auto update process. The function includes sending msi installation logs to the server and all notification of the update process is logged in the server log. Also the zarafa-admin --details of a user is extended and will show the client version he has currently installed and used to upgrade to when done via the auto update process. For all this logging you will need the new zarafa client to start with, from now on more logging will be done on upgrades. Please note that the auto updater service is part of the ZCP Professional edition.
Archiver 1.2 functionality
To create an archive store for a user it is now only a setting in you ldap (ADS or Open Ldap). Specify on what server the user has his "Archive store" and it will be created and linked to the user. The archive store will automatically open when the user starts outlook or logs in at the webaccess. Same for shared store with the new archive store. It will automatically open the archive store for the delegate (when opening the full store). For more info on this read the archiver manual: Please note that Zarafa Archiver is a separate product integrated deeply in the ZCP.
MSR improvements
The Mailbox Storage Relocator utility is primary targeted to allow store migrations between zarafa server in a multiserver cluster setup. As the usage has extended in the community the MSR was adjusted for larger setups regarding logging and conflict handling and now allows forcing source server for MSR and also supports the switching between unidirectional and bidirectional flows. To enhance the load control the setting number of worker threads is enabled.
Unable to unhook public stores (both in single and multi-tenant mode)
The usage of Zarafa in hosted environments is complemented with the option to unhook the public store using zarafa-admin. You can unhook a store from a user, so you can remove the store and create a new one. Use the "-u username" to specify the user to unhook the store from. To unhook a public store, use the "--type group/company" option to influence the name type in the -u switch. Use a companyname with type company or Everyone with type group to unhook the public. To unhook an archive store, use "--type archive".
DB tableIndex issue in the zarafa7-upgrade python script
If you used the python script to upgrade to version 7 you will notice slower folder loading. In order to fix this you can follow the following mysql commands:
truncate table tproperties;
alter table tproperties drop primary key, add primary key (folderid, tag,hierarchyid,type);
INSERT IGNORE INTO deferredupdate (hierarchyid, folderid) SELECT,c.parent FROM hierarchy AS c JOIN hierarchy AS p ON c.parent = AND p.type=3;
Then followed by another command in order to fill the tproperties table up again.
zarafa-admin --purge-deferred
While this can be done live, it can happen that the purge-deferred command fails because a deadlock occurs while someone is opening messages. If you want this to be fully smooth, it’s best to do this outside of office hours or when the server is down.

8.1. Configuration file changes

The server.cfg is extended with new configuration options for the auto update logging and a new recommended defaults for attachment storage and performance.
# Where to place attachments. Value can be 'database' or 'files'
attachment_storage      = files
# Sync lifetime, removes all changes remembered for a client after x days of inactivity
sync_lifetime           = 90
# Size in bytes of the 'cell' cache (should be set as high as you can afford to set it)
cache_cell_size                         = 268435456
# System is a special internal user, which has super-admin privileges
# You may want to disable this user from the Global Addressbook by setting
# this option to 'yes'. Administrators will still be able to see the user.
hide_system = yes
# Recieve update information from the client (0 = disabled, 1 = only on error, 2 = log always)
client_update_log_level = 1
# Log location for the client auto update files
client_update_log_path = /var/log/zarafa/autoupdate
The indexer.cfg has a new default entry.
# Should attachments be indexed
index_attachments       = no
The archiver.cfg has additional entries for the Archiver 1.2 functionality
# archiver.cfg
# Specify whether an auto attached archive will be granted write permissions
# for the user it's attached to.
# Default: yes
auto_attach_writable = yes
# MySQL hostname to connect to for database access
mysql_host              = localhost
# MySQL port to connect with (usually 3306)
mysql_port              = 3306
# The user under which we connect with MySQL
mysql_user              = root
# The password for the user (leave empty for no password)
mysql_password          =
# Override the default MySQL socket to access mysql locally
# Works only if the mysql_host value is empty or 'localhost'
mysql_socket            =
# Database to connect to
mysql_database          = zarafa-archiver
The ldap.propmap.cfg has additional entries for the Archiver 1.2 functionality
# ldap relations to the archiver 1.2 functions for automatic archiver store mappings
0x67C4101E      =       zarafaUserArchiveServers
0x67C5101E      =       zarafaUserArchiveCouplings
The ldap.m4 has additional entries for the Archiver 1.2 functionality
# Users will have a private archive store on these names servers.
# Optional, default zarafaUserArchiveServers
ldap_user_archive_servers_attribute = zarafaUserArchiveServers
# Users will have a many-to-one archive on these store:folder pairs.
# The expected result is a list of <username>:<foldername> pairs, where each
# username will be used to resolve the store in which the folder named
# foldername will be used as the archive.
# Optional, default zarafaUserArchiveCouplings
ldap_user_archive_couplings_attribute = zarafaUserArchiveCouplings

Chapter 9. Changes in 7.0.5

Please review the full changelog or JIRA version 7.0.5 for the extensive list of changes.
General changes
After the installation of 7.0.5 the primary key on tproperties table is changed to fix a performace issue introduced in ZCP-9130. The change will only be done on systems that are upgraded before 7.0.4 with the zarafa7-upgrade script.
The zarafa-dagent is in the 7.0.5 release enabled by default, so it will run in LMTP mode as this is the recommended delivery method.
Also the Zarafa Drag & Drop plugin is now compatible with latest Firefox 9.0.1.
Zarafa-contacts package
To support future WebApp releases, the ZCP backend is extended with a new addressbook provider. The addressbook provider will allow WebApp users to select which contact folders will be listed in the WebApp addressbook. The new provider is included in the package zarafa-contacts. The package will add a new directory /etc/mapi with the addressbook provider configuration file. It’s recommended to install the new package manually during the update, on new installs the package is included by default. There are no dependencies right now on this new package.
LDAP paging support
For performance optimizations LDAP page support is introduced in the 7.0.5. When the LDAP server returns a large number of object, these objects will be returned in pages. Paging support will reduce resources on client and server and will limit lower the network usage.
# Default ADS MaxPageSize is 1000
ldap_page_size = 1000

9.1. Configuration file changes

The server.cfg was changed for to improved the explanation of companyquota_warn
# The default Warning Quota Level for multitenant public stores. Set to 0 to disable this level.
The dagent.cfg changed the log location and timestamp
#change log_file in dagent.cfg to full patch instead of -.
log_file = /var/log/zarafa/dagent.log
# Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
log_timestamp   =       1
The admin.cfg
#New example config file for the admin.cfg for multiserver setups.
The / ldap.openldap.cfg was altered
# Default ADS MaxPageSize is 1000.
ldap_page_size = 1000

Chapter 10. Changes in 7.0.6

Please review the full changelog or JIRA version 7.0.6 for the extensive list of changes. An improvement has been added to detect and indicate non supported Outlook 2010 versions.
Zarafa-msr verify utility
ZCP 7.0.6 is extended with an verify utility to check whetever all data is successfully migrated by the zarafa-msr. The zarafa-msr-verify can be executed with the following command.
zarafa-msr-verify /etc/zarafa/msr.cfg
The verify utility will check if all folders and items are available in the source and destination store. If differences are detected, the zarafa-msr-verify can be started with --correct parameter, to resync the differences.
zarafa-msr-verify /etc/zarafa/msr.cfg --correct
LDIF schema file
As most recent distribution will ship OpenLDAP standard with a dynamic backend, the standard Zarafa LDAP schema file can’t be used. The 7.0.6 will now also include a LDIF schema file for dynamic backends. This LDIF can be found in the /usr/share/zarafa directory.

10.1. Configuration file changes

The server.cfg was changed with ZCP-8518 to allow setting minimum length for prefix searches.
# Minimum length of a search term in characters to enable prefix searching
index_services_prefix_chars = 3
The spooler.cfg changed with ZCP-9481 to catch high chars in messages that have no charset defined.
# The us-ascii charset will be upgraded to this charset, to allow more
# use of high-characters. Not used when always_send_utf8 is enabled.
charset_upgrade = windows-1252
The ldap.openldap.cfg was altered with ZCP-9554 to better suite an used default of the LDAP group members relation.
# LDAP: uid, matching users in ldap_loginname_attribute
ldap_groupmembers_relation_attribute = uid

Chapter 11. Changes in 7.0.7

Please review the full changelog or JIRA version 7.0.7 for the extensive list of changes. The release contains several fixes for Outlook offline issues and offers support for the new Ubuntu 12.04 LTS release.

11.1. Configuration file changes

In ZCP 7.0.5 and 7.0.6 had an issue with the zarafa-licensed in large scale multi-server environments where the process could go out of filedescriptors. To solve this issue a priority queue is introduced. The priority queue will handle incoming requests directly before other requests are handled.
For this option a new configuration option is introduced in the server.cfg.
server_pipe_priority    = /var/run/zarafa-prio
As this is a default setting, the priority socket is also available when the above setting is not available in the server.cfg.
The default location of the server_socket in the licensed.cfg is changed to use the priority socket.
server_socket = file:///var/run/zarafa-prio


The setting in the licensed.cfg is not automatically changed during the upgrade to ZCP 7.0.7. For customers running in a multi-server or archiving setup it’s recommended to change manually the server_socket in the licensed.cfg.

Chapter 12. Changes in 7.0.8

Please review the full changelog or JIRA version 7.0.8 for the extensive list of changes.
This is a recommended upgrade for 7.0.7 users. ZCP 7.0.7 had an issue with the zarafa-backup in some installations using unicode characters in folder names and empty lines in index files, these were addressed in this release.
Also various community reported issues from IRC and forum were resolved along with a customer requested feature. The minor feature additions in this release are:
  • A smtp X-Header is added to emails that are forwarded, replied or redirected by a rule
  • Orphaned stores are no longer kept for the duration of the soft delete retention time, however these will now be deleted at the next soft delete purge
  • The zarafa-spooler will now log the message ID that is returned by the SMTP server that accepted the message

12.1. Configuration file changes

For the option of the new smtp forward/reply headers a configuration option is introduced in the dagent.cfg.
# Enable the addition of X-Zarafa-Rule-Action headers on messages
# that have been forwarded or replied by a rule.
# Default: yes
set_rule_headers = yes

Chapter 13. Changes in 7.0.9

Please review the full changelog or JIRA version 7.0.9 for the extensive list of changes.
This is a recommended upgrade for 7.0.x users. ZCP 7.0.x had a dormant issue in regards to archiver messages. A large number of backend issues were attended to with some rare potential issues that could occur in special archiving set-ups. We included a patch that will fix the Webaccess for sles 11 sp2, a fix + fix script for appointments with a resource that were booked with outlook 2007 in 7.0.4. New appointments will now be booked correctly (for 7.0.9 and up), old appointments can be fixed but running the update-resource-recipients on the resource. For the webaccess we included a fix that resolves the dialogue issues with firefox 14 and up.
Also various community reported issues from IRC and forum were resolved along with a customer requested feature. The minor feature additions in this release are:
  • Improved compatibility for Firefox-14
  • Source builds now with Boost 1.50

13.1. Configuration file changes

No new or altered configurations were made in 7.0.9

Chapter 14. Changes in 7.0.10

Please review the full changelog or JIRA version 7.0.10 for the extensive list of changes.
This is a recommended upgrade for 7.0.x users.
The .10 minor is a maintenance release for the 7.0 Zarafa Collaboration Platform version. The focus of the release in the extended support phase is on major usability issues, stability and security and compatibility with evolving 3rd party software clients and browsers. In this minor especially stability and usability items were addressed related to the backend, this included issues found in later releases that did apply to the 7.0 version as well, like segfaults or the performance. After the beta 1 we did extra fixes to resolve a issue with DST in Brazil.
The minor feature additions in this release are:
  • Included Russian translations for software
  • Support zlib 1.2.8 and later
  • Use boost filesystem v3 if available

14.1. Configuration file changes

No new or altered configurations were made in 7.0.10

Chapter 15. Changes in 7.0.11

Please review the full changelog or JIRA version 7.0.11 for the extensive list of changes.
This is a recommended upgrade for 7.0.x users. The .11 minor is a maintenance release for the 7.0 Zarafa Collaboration Platform version. The focus of the release in the extended support phase is on major stability issues and compatibility with evolving 3rd party software clients, browsers and distributions.
The minor feature additions in this release are:
  • Include webapp 1.2 final release in 7.1 and 7.0 releases
  • zarafa-admin unhook-store should print the store guid of a found user
  • zarafa server will always write a coredump file by default when it segfaults, this is configured via server.xml

15.1. Configuration file changes

The server.cfg is changed to always create coredumps
# create memory coredumps upon crash in the running_path directory
coredump_enabled = yes

Chapter 16. Changes in 7.0.12

This .12 minor is a maintenance release for this 7.0 Zarafa Collaboration Platform.
The working of the zarafa client on Windows 8 was addressed as well as a number of issues preventing the offline Cached mode in Outlook to work optimally in different setups, when canceling a sync action that is ongoing. The sync process stopped too soon with network interruptions and errors and has been changed to recover from this better.
Also the inclusion if ics files in HTML emails could cause the body not to be displayed as the message was regarded as a meeting request. The extra spooler logging was repaired to work again with SYSLOG, and the zarafa-set-oof was adjusted to work with umlauts and to properly turn off again via the command line. Various Zarafa Archiver issues regarding logging are changed to include the used commands and the version of the Zarafa product as well. The option to search in read only archives has been restored.
The minor feature additions in this release are:
-The addition to use smime certificates in ldap. -Emailing to a usergroup including hidden users.

16.1. Configuration file changes 7.0.12

The server.cfg, gateway.cfg, ical.cfg, spooler.cfg are changed to disable SSLv2 and other less secure ciphers in different zarafa daemons
# Accept SSLv2 only connections. Normally v3 connections are used.
server_ssl_enable_v2 = no

Chapter 17. Changes in 7.0.13

This .13 minor is a maintenance release for this 7.0 Zarafa Collaboration Platform.
This release is a maintenance follow up release in the extended support phase and is has a focus on resolving customer reported issues. Various log running segfault issues were resolved by the contributions of community reports and this has aided in the ongoing quality and stability improvements present in this release. Clients are urged to migrate to the 7.1 major release to benefit from more improvements in features and stability.The integration of Zarafa in Outlook 2010 has again been improved by the enabling of the delegate users button, allowing easier access to the open shared stores.
The minor feature additions in this release are:
-Enabled the delegate users button in Outlook 2010.

17.1. Configuration file changes 7.0.13

No changes were made to the default configuration files during this release.