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Chapter 14. Changes in 7.0.10

14.1. Configuration file changes
Please review the full changelog or JIRA version 7.0.10 for the extensive list of changes.
This is a recommended upgrade for 7.0.x users.
The .10 minor is a maintenance release for the 7.0 Zarafa Collaboration Platform version. The focus of the release in the extended support phase is on major usability issues, stability and security and compatibility with evolving 3rd party software clients and browsers. In this minor especially stability and usability items were addressed related to the backend, this included issues found in later releases that did apply to the 7.0 version as well, like segfaults or the performance. After the beta 1 we did extra fixes to resolve a issue with DST in Brazil.
The minor feature additions in this release are:

14.1. Configuration file changes

No new or altered configurations were made in 7.0.10