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Chapter 7. Changes in 7.0.3

7.1. Configuration file changes
Native support Outlook 2010
The 7.0.3 version will come with native support for Outlook 2010 in the Zarafa Windows Client. For the enhanced Outlook 2010 features it’s no longer required to install the Zarafa compatibility package.


The OL2010 beta compatibility package must be -deinstalled- prior to installing the 7.0.3 zarafa client.
Outlook 2010 conversation view support
The conversation view in Outlook 2010 is now supported with ZCP. This view will group emails by conversation for a better overview of all received and sent emails.
The Conversation view and options
Figure 7.1. The Conversation view and options

Support forward and redirect rules in WebAccess
The Zarafa WebAccess wizard rules dialog has now support for both forward and redirect rules. With a forward rule the sender is the person who forwarded the email, where a redirect rule will keep the original sender in the from address.
“Forward and redirect rules in WebAccess”
Figure 7.2. Forward and redirect rules in WebAccess

Support for inline forwarding
Microsoft Outlook offers the wizard rule to forward a email as an attachment. In ZCP 7.0.3 this rule is now supported and can also be configured in the Zarafa WebAccess.
Changes in meeting request booking
In earlier version of ZCP booking of resources was only possible by using the direct booking method. ZCP 7.0.3 is extended with support for so called "meeting request resource booking". With this new method external persons can book the resource, the capacity can be used to book the resource a limited amount of times and it’s no longer necessary to have write permissions to the resource calendar.
The new feature for meeting request bookings introduces a new dependency for dAgent on PHP, and might require on split-functionality server setups that this additional package is installed.
A full description of the resource changes can be found in the Administrator Manual.

7.1. Configuration file changes

The server.cfg is extended with two new configuration options.
The server has a list of deferred writes to the tproperties table, to improve overall I/O performance. The number of deferred writes is kept below this value; setting it high will allow writes to be more efficient by grouping more writes together, but may slow down reading, and setting it low will force writes to complete directly, but speed up reading of tables.
Same as the max_deferred_records variable, but per folder instead of total.
The spooler.cfg is extended with the following option.
Setting this option to no will disallow sending to the everyone group. The entire message will be bounced if this is attempted. When the option is set to yes, this allows sending to all users in the everyone group.
The gateway.cfg is extended with the following option:
By setting this option to no, the imap gateway will not store the whole rfc822 message on the filesystem. This option can be used when migrating data using the zarafa-gateway, where the users won’t use IMAP/POP3 after the migration.
The ical.cfg is extended with the following option:
This option enables the ical GET method to download an entire calendar. When set to yes, the GET method is enabled and allowed. If not, then calendars can only be retrieved with the CalDAV PROPFIND method, which is much more efficient. This option allows you to force the use of CalDAV which lowers load on your server.