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Chapter 8. Changes in 7.0.4

8.1. Configuration file changes
Auto updater logging and registration
We now do more logging on the client installations and upgrade routines and these can be sent to the server as part of the auto update process. The function includes sending msi installation logs to the server and all notification of the update process is logged in the server log. Also the zarafa-admin --details of a user is extended and will show the client version he has currently installed and used to upgrade to when done via the auto update process. For all this logging you will need the new zarafa client to start with, from now on more logging will be done on upgrades. Please note that the auto updater service is part of the ZCP Professional edition.
Archiver 1.2 functionality
To create an archive store for a user it is now only a setting in you ldap (ADS or Open Ldap). Specify on what server the user has his "Archive store" and it will be created and linked to the user. The archive store will automatically open when the user starts outlook or logs in at the webaccess. Same for shared store with the new archive store. It will automatically open the archive store for the delegate (when opening the full store). For more info on this read the archiver manual: Please note that Zarafa Archiver is a separate product integrated deeply in the ZCP.
MSR improvements
The Mailbox Storage Relocator utility is primary targeted to allow store migrations between zarafa server in a multiserver cluster setup. As the usage has extended in the community the MSR was adjusted for larger setups regarding logging and conflict handling and now allows forcing source server for MSR and also supports the switching between unidirectional and bidirectional flows. To enhance the load control the setting number of worker threads is enabled.
Unable to unhook public stores (both in single and multi-tenant mode)
The usage of Zarafa in hosted environments is complemented with the option to unhook the public store using zarafa-admin. You can unhook a store from a user, so you can remove the store and create a new one. Use the "-u username" to specify the user to unhook the store from. To unhook a public store, use the "--type group/company" option to influence the name type in the -u switch. Use a companyname with type company or Everyone with type group to unhook the public. To unhook an archive store, use "--type archive".
DB tableIndex issue in the zarafa7-upgrade python script
If you used the python script to upgrade to version 7 you will notice slower folder loading. In order to fix this you can follow the following mysql commands:
truncate table tproperties;
alter table tproperties drop primary key, add primary key (folderid, tag,hierarchyid,type);
INSERT IGNORE INTO deferredupdate (hierarchyid, folderid) SELECT,c.parent FROM hierarchy AS c JOIN hierarchy AS p ON c.parent = AND p.type=3;
Then followed by another command in order to fill the tproperties table up again.
zarafa-admin --purge-deferred
While this can be done live, it can happen that the purge-deferred command fails because a deadlock occurs while someone is opening messages. If you want this to be fully smooth, it’s best to do this outside of office hours or when the server is down.

8.1. Configuration file changes

The server.cfg is extended with new configuration options for the auto update logging and a new recommended defaults for attachment storage and performance.
# Where to place attachments. Value can be 'database' or 'files'
attachment_storage      = files
# Sync lifetime, removes all changes remembered for a client after x days of inactivity
sync_lifetime           = 90
# Size in bytes of the 'cell' cache (should be set as high as you can afford to set it)
cache_cell_size                         = 268435456
# System is a special internal user, which has super-admin privileges
# You may want to disable this user from the Global Addressbook by setting
# this option to 'yes'. Administrators will still be able to see the user.
hide_system = yes
# Recieve update information from the client (0 = disabled, 1 = only on error, 2 = log always)
client_update_log_level = 1
# Log location for the client auto update files
client_update_log_path = /var/log/zarafa/autoupdate
The indexer.cfg has a new default entry.
# Should attachments be indexed
index_attachments       = no
The archiver.cfg has additional entries for the Archiver 1.2 functionality
# archiver.cfg
# Specify whether an auto attached archive will be granted write permissions
# for the user it's attached to.
# Default: yes
auto_attach_writable = yes
# MySQL hostname to connect to for database access
mysql_host              = localhost
# MySQL port to connect with (usually 3306)
mysql_port              = 3306
# The user under which we connect with MySQL
mysql_user              = root
# The password for the user (leave empty for no password)
mysql_password          =
# Override the default MySQL socket to access mysql locally
# Works only if the mysql_host value is empty or 'localhost'
mysql_socket            =
# Database to connect to
mysql_database          = zarafa-archiver
The ldap.propmap.cfg has additional entries for the Archiver 1.2 functionality
# ldap relations to the archiver 1.2 functions for automatic archiver store mappings
0x67C4101E      =       zarafaUserArchiveServers
0x67C5101E      =       zarafaUserArchiveCouplings
The ldap.m4 has additional entries for the Archiver 1.2 functionality
# Users will have a private archive store on these names servers.
# Optional, default zarafaUserArchiveServers
ldap_user_archive_servers_attribute = zarafaUserArchiveServers
# Users will have a many-to-one archive on these store:folder pairs.
# The expected result is a list of <username>:<foldername> pairs, where each
# username will be used to resolve the store in which the folder named
# foldername will be used as the archive.
# Optional, default zarafaUserArchiveCouplings
ldap_user_archive_couplings_attribute = zarafaUserArchiveCouplings