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Chapter 11. Changes in 7.0.7

11.1. Configuration file changes
Please review the full changelog or JIRA version 7.0.7 for the extensive list of changes. The release contains several fixes for Outlook offline issues and offers support for the new Ubuntu 12.04 LTS release.

11.1. Configuration file changes

In ZCP 7.0.5 and 7.0.6 had an issue with the zarafa-licensed in large scale multi-server environments where the process could go out of filedescriptors. To solve this issue a priority queue is introduced. The priority queue will handle incoming requests directly before other requests are handled.
For this option a new configuration option is introduced in the server.cfg.
server_pipe_priority    = /var/run/zarafa-prio
As this is a default setting, the priority socket is also available when the above setting is not available in the server.cfg.
The default location of the server_socket in the licensed.cfg is changed to use the priority socket.
server_socket = file:///var/run/zarafa-prio


The setting in the licensed.cfg is not automatically changed during the upgrade to ZCP 7.0.7. For customers running in a multi-server or archiving setup it’s recommended to change manually the server_socket in the licensed.cfg.