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3.3. Improved IMAP gateway

To offer a better compatibility for users with generic IMAP clients like Mac Mail and Thunderbird, the Zarafa Gateway is rewritten in ZCP 7.0. The new IMAP gateway offers a new configuration option to store more message information, like the envelope information, bodystructure and whole RFC822 message. By storing this extra information, the gateway doesn’t have to do a conversions from MAPI to RFC822, which will speed up the gateway tremendously.


The optimized storage will always be used when users have access to the IMAP/POP3. By default these services are disabled, so no extra storage is used after the upgrade to ZCP 7.0. Please read Section 3.11, “User access control” for more information about enabling the IMAP/POP3 service per user or globally for all users.
Not only a major speed improvement is realised with this option, but also the following issues will be solved:
The gateway is also extended with the following capabilities:
“Mailbox quota visible in IMAP”
Figure 3.1. Mailbox quota visible in IMAP