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3.12. Settings in WebApp

In the top-right corner of the Zarafa WebApp, to the left of the log out link, resides a settings link by which the Settings dialog can be opened. The Settings dialog contains tabs for each context, the following sections cover each of the tabs.

3.12.1. The 'General' tab in WebApp

Settings: Preferences
Figuur 3.37. Settings: Preferences

  • Language, sets the default language for the WebApp.

3.12.2. The “mail” tab in WebApp

Settings: Compose mail
Figuur 3.38. Settings: Compose mail

  • Compose mail in this format, composing new mails as Plain text or HTML (rich formatting).
  • Always request a read receipt, turn this on to automatically request read receipts.
  • Edit signatures…, using the signature dialog from where signatures --for new mails or replies and forwards-- are managed. See Figuur 3.39, “HTML signature”.
    HTML signature
    Figuur 3.39. HTML signature

3.12.3. The 'Out of Office' tab in WebApp

Here a user can mark himself “in” or “out” of the office. The AutoReply message that is sent automatically in reply to all incoming messages can be specified on this tab as well.
To prevent flooding, AutoReplies are only sent once per day to a specific email address.

3.12.4. The 'Calendar' tab in WebApp

  • Start and End of workday, specifies the part of the day that is marked as “workday”.
  • Calendar resolution, to show more available times in the calendar overview.
  • Default Reminder, wheather or not reminders are added to appointments by default, and if so, how long before the appointment start the default reminder should occur. These setting can be overwritten per appointment.

3.12.5. The “Advanced” tab in WebApp

Here the more advanced settings are stored and settings that have not been placed yet in a settings tab.