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3.3. Basic Configuration

Zarafa Archiver is configured by default in /etc/zarafa/archiver.cfg. If the default configuration file is not found, Archiver will try to work with default configuration settings, which will most probably fail. Archiver will display an error message like "Unable to open admin session on server" and close.
An alternative configuration file may be specified by using command line option --config. When such a configuration file is specified and cannot be found, Archiver will emit an error message like: "Unable to open configuration file /tmp/test.cfg" and close.

3.3.1. Connection Parameters

As with all Zarafa components, zarafa-archiver needs to know where to connect to and how to authenticate. This is configured using the server_socket, sslkey_file and sslkey_pass settings.
For instance:
server_socket   = file:///var/run/zarafa
sslkey_file     = /etc/zarafa/ssl/client.pem
sslkey_pass     = secret
For more information about creating and configuring SSL certificates, see

3.3.2. MySQL Settings

zarafa-archiver uses one central MySQL database for managing deduplication of archived attachments. MySQL settings can be configured like this:
mysql_host      = localhost
mysql_port      = 3306
mysql_user      = zarafa
mysql_password  = password
mysql_socket    =
mysql_database  = archiver
This database should not be the same one that zarafa-server is using and needs to be accessible over the network from each server running the zarafa-archiver command.