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4장. Archive configuration

4.1. Basic Archiver configuration
4.2. Archive-only setup
4.3. Advanced setups
zarafa-archiver is configured in a configuration file, that can be specified on the command line using command line option --config or -c. When no configuration file is specified from the command line, Archiver tries to find a default configuration file named archiver.cfg located in /etc/zarafa/. Please note that when no configuration file can be found, information required to proceed is missing. In such a case Archiver will emit an error message and exit.
Depending on user requirements, Archiver can be configured in many different ways. Five different stages in Archiving can be distinguished, of which any subset can be used. This chapter describes a basic setup. Later more advanced configurations using more complex combinations of stages will be presented.
The five stages of Archiving are:
ADS Features tab
그림 4.1. Archiver stages

The ages listed in the rightmost colums are examples only.
표 4.1. Archiver stages
Stage Description
No Archiving
No archive store exists and no messages are archived.
Archive copy
A message exist in both main store and archive store.
Stubbed message
A message exists in archive store and a stub referring to the archived message exists in main store.
Fully removed
A message exists only in archive store.
Archive purged
A message has been removed from both main store and archive store. It no longer exists, but may be present in a backup and restored from there.

4.1. Basic Archiver configuration

In a setup all stages as shown in Figure 4.1 can be configures. It should be noted, though, that not all combinations make sense. As a basic setup for Zarafa Archiver, considered best practice, is a stubbing-only configuration. In this setup all emails can be accessed from the primary store of the user. Depending on the age of the message the email will be opened on the primary server or a stub will open the item directly in the user’s archive mailbox. In this case the user doesn’t directly access his or her archive mailbox to view emails.
For a stubbing only setup settings like the following must be configured in /etc/zarafa/archiver.cfg:
archive_enable                  = yes
archive_after                   = 90

stub_enable                     = yes
stub_after                      = 90
stub_unread                     = no

delete_enable                   = no
delete_after                    = 0

purge_enable                    = no
purge_after                     = 0

cleanup_action                  = store
cleanup_follow_purge_after      = no

enable_auto_attach              = yes
auto_attach_writable        = no
Setting archive_enable = yes enables archive operation, i.e. copying emails from the primary node to the archive node. Setting archive_after = 90 indicates that messages older than 90 days are to be archived.
Setting stub_enable = yes enables stubbing. Body and attachments messages in the primary store are removed and a reference to the archive store is created. Setting stub_after = 90 means that messages older than 90 days will be stubbed.
Unread emails are not stubbed by default. Setting stub_unread = yes means that even unread messages are stubbed.
Settings delete_enable and purge_enable must be set to no, since a user will not access his archive mailbox directly in this mode.
Setting cleanup_action = store means that, in a cleanup run, archived messages of which stubs have been deleted from the archive mailbox will be moved to an archive folder named Zarafa Archive\Deleted. See chapter 6.2절. “Cleanup” for an explanation of this cleanup process.
Setting enable_auto_attach = yes means that a user automatically gets an archive mailbox when the archive server option is enabled in Active Directory or OpenLDAP. The user will always get read-only permissions, so users can delete messages from the primary mailbox only. This is required to make sure the stubs in the primary mailbox will always point to a existing message.