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1장. Introduction

Zarafa Archiver provides a way to minimise mailbox sizes by moving old messages to slower and presumably cheaper storage. Archive storage consists of one or more additional Zarafa servers dedicated to store archived messages.
Zarafa archive servers have exactly the same storage architecture as a normal Zarafa server. All MAPI properties are stored in a MySQL database and all attachments are stored compressed on disk. Archive mailboxes can be enabled per user and users automatically get access to their archive mailbox from email clients.
Once a message is archived, it may be deleted from the original store. Zarafa Archiver can create a stub to the archived message, allowing a user to view the archived message and open it as if it were a normal message.
Zarafa Archiver uses Zarafa’s multi-server technology to seamlessly access archive stores.
Zarafa Archiver is an additional product and is not a standard component of Zarafa Collaboration Platform. Subscriptions of Zarafa Archiver can only be used with Zarafa Professional or Enterprise edition; both editions provide 20 archive users for free.