Edition 2.0
files to the Zarafa Server. It is also possible to export .pst
files from Zarafa.
file) to avoid duplicates. The tool will not create users on the Zarafa Collaboration Platform, it assumes that the users to which the administrator wants to migrate data to already exist on the Zarafa Server.
files to the stores of the users on the Zarafa Server. There are many ways to retrieve the .pst
files with the users store. You might work with .pst
files stored on clients separately, centrally stored on a server or use a groupware solution.
files can be imported into an Exchange mail server, and more importantly, allows one to export an Exchange mail server to .pst
files. See the Knowledge Base article for the installation and configuration of Exmerge.
files into the Zarafa Server.
tool. See Chapter 3, Scalix Migration for more information on migrating from Scalix to Zarafa.
from the migration program folder. If run with --help
it will show the available options. If a config.cfg
file is available in the same directory or specified by the -f
command line option the config file will be used. See the Chapter 5, Appendix A; Configuration options command line tool for a peek at config file format.
and follow the necessary steps. Then start the migration tool itself: Start > Programs > Zarafa Migration Tool.
in the migration program directory).
files are stored.
files are to be stored. If none is chosen the default location is the Migration Tool’s program folder.
file is supplied a match on all names in data-source and data-destination will be done.
coupling is used, a comma separated value file needs to be specified. The .csv
file should contain at least 2 columns: destination-user and filename. It is important that these 2 columns are defined with a column head on the first line of the .csv file. The column heads indicate in what order the data is presented in the rest of the file. Column heads are case sensitive. Any extra columns will be ignored. Do not include any spaces between column heads. Template files for each migration file can be found in migration tool program directory.
csvde -f C:\zarafa-migrator.csv -d "OU=ExchangeUsers,DC=myserver,DC=local" -r objectCategory=user -l "legacyExchangeDN,sAMAccountname"
DN,sAMAccountName,legacyExchangeDN "CN=John Doe,OU=ExchangeUsers,DC=myserver,DC=local",johndoe,/o=TESTER/ou=first administrative group/cn=Recipients/cn=johndoe
for mail
to use the email as the username for the users.
and choose Connect to…
now choose Default naming context
in the second drop down box and click Ok
. Once connected expand the Default naming context
container until finding the container in which the users reside. Right click on the user and choose Properties
, scroll through the list until legacyExchangeDN is shown. Double click the entry and copy the value. This value can then be used in the CSV file.
/o=TESTER/ou=first administrative group/cn=Recipients/cn=exchangeUser1
with the information found for the user.
, then double-click on the user find the property “+PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS+”, double-click it and copy the value. Users in the same exchange server are usually prefixed with the same default, so usually it is enough to find it out only once and then only change the last cn
datasourceuser,destinationuser /o=TESTER/ou=first administrative group/cn=Recipients/cn=exchangeUser1,zarafaDestinationUser1 /o=TESTER/ou=first administrative group/cn=Recipients/cn=exchangeUser2,zarafaDestinationUser2
datasourceuser,destinationuser /o=TESTER/ou=first administrative group/cn=Recipients/cn=exchangeUser1,pstDestinationUser1.pst /o=TESTER/ou=first administrative group/cn=Recipients/cn=exchangeUser2,pstDestinationUser1.pst
datasourceuser,destinationuser ZarafaDataSourceUser1.pst,pstDestinationUser1 ZarafaDataSourceUser2.pst,pstDestinationUser1
[Install Flags] InstallLogfileUpLoadLocation=c:\\log.txt InstallWithServerStore=1 InstallAllowSavedPassword=1 InstallAskForPSTPassword=0 InstallTrySSOFIRST=0 InstallExternalPST=0 InstallSetDefaultProfile=0 InstallLogFileLocation=c:\\temp.txt InstallMigrateDefaultProfile=0 InstallEnableSmartCache=0 InstallUseSSL=0 InstallPassword=SU=sxadmin;PASS=scalix InstallMailServerName=scalix.mailserver.com InstallUsername=sxuser InstallDefaultProfileName=migrator2
tool and pass the directory in which install.ini resides:
sxpro.exe -i <directory_containing_install.ini>
datasourceuser,destinationuser scalixUser1,zarafaDestinationUser1 scalixUser2,zarafaDestinationUser2
zarafamigrationcmdline.exe -D Scalix -E migrator2 -d Zarafa -a admin -p pass -h zarafa.mailserver.com -c CSV -C m:\coupling.csv
Rename this file to config.cfg and place in installation directory and click tick box read from config.cfg on first wizard page.
Either rename to config.cfg and place in installation directory and run CmdClient withouth arguments. Or run the CmdClient with option '-f config_template.cfg'
available in migrator installation directory:
################################################################################## # MIGRATOR SETTINGS Template File # # Use with UI: Rename this file to config.cfg and place in installation # directory and click tick box read from config.cfg # on first wizard page. # Use with CmdClient: Either rename to config.cfg and place in # installation directory and run CmdClient # withouth arguments. # Or run the CmdClient with option # '-f config_template.cfg' # ################################################################################## # Source selection. Exchange, Zarafa, PST and Scalix are supported datasource_type = Exchange #datasource_type = Zarafa #datasource_type = PST #datasource_type = Scalix # Exchange source settings exchange_source_host = datasource.host.com exchange_source_profile = adminMailProfile #exchange_source_admin_user = adminUser #exchange_source_admin_password = adminUserPassword # Zarafa source settings #zarafa_source_host = datasource.host.com #zarafa_source_profile = adminMailProfile #zarafa_source_admin_user = adminUser #zarafa_source_admin_password = adminUserPassword # PST source settings #pst_source_path = c:\tmp\pst #pst_source_format = UNICODE # Scalix source settings #scalix_source_profile = adminMailProfile # Destination selection. Zarafa and PST are supported destination_type = Zarafa #destination_type = PST # Zarafa destination settings zarafa_destination_host = destination.mailserver.com zarafa_destination_profile = adminMailProfile #zarafa_destination_admin_user = adminUser #zarafa_destination_admin_password = adminUserPassword # PST derstination settings #pst_destination_path = c:\tmp\pst #pst_destination_format = UNICODE # Coupling settings coupling_type = CSV coupling_csv_file_path = mapping_exch_to_zarafa_template.csv #coupling_csv_delimeter = , # Advanced options migrate_junk_folder = FALSE migrate_delete_folder = FALSE # Log options logging_enable = TRUE logging_level = 3 logging_file_path = ZarafaMigrator.log # Data filte used to filter items older than data set # YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS #date_filter = 2008/02/22-21:23:43
zarafamigrationCmdLine.exe --help
Usage: -f config file -w [true|false] -d [Zarafa|PST] -D [Exchange|Zarafa|PST|Scalix] -p 'path' -c [PST|CSV] -C 'path' -s ',' -E exchange_profile -H exchange_host -A exchange_admin -P exchange_pass -h zarafa_host:port -a zarafa_admin -p zarafa_pass --log 'path' ConfigFile: -f [config.cfg] Only file name, i.e config.cfg, using exectution directory or full path i.e c:\tmp\config.cfg WriteConfigToFile -w [false] Write configuration arguments to configuraton file. DataSource: -D [Exchange]" << "\t" << "Type of data source, only Exchange, Zarafa, PST and Scalix are supported. [Exchange|Zarafa|PST|Scalix]" << endl; -E Source profile (overrules -H and -A options) -H Source server address, e.g. localhost, -A Source server administrator username. -P Source server administrator password. DataDestination: -d [Zarafa] Type of data destination, only Zarafa and PST are supported.[Zarafa|PST] -h Destination server address, e.g. localhost:236, default port is 236. -a Destination server administrator username. -p Destination server administrator password. -F 'path' Optional: Path to the PST folder, default is current folder. Used when PST type is chosen as DataSource or DataDestination Coupling: -c [CSV] Type of coupling. [PST|CSV] -C 'CSV path' CSV only: Path to the CSV file. -s ',' Optional: CSV: seperator character in csv file, default is ','. Date-Time filter: -t YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS Date-time filter automatically excludes messages from being migrated that are older than the specified date. -o Outlook PST file format [ANSI] The format of the PST file, only 2003 and later supports unicode. [ANSI|unicode]. -l Log Level[3] 0- None, 1- Fatal, 2- Error, 3- Warning, 4- Info, 5- Any, 6- Debug [0-6]. --log 'path' Enable logging to file. --help show this help text. -V Print version info.