5.2. Command line parameters
zarafamigrationCmdLine.exe --help
Usage: -f config file -w [true|false] -d [Zarafa|PST] -D [Exchange|Zarafa|PST|Scalix]
-p 'path' -c [PST|CSV] -C 'path' -s ',' -E exchange_profile -H exchange_host
-A exchange_admin -P exchange_pass -h zarafa_host:port -a zarafa_admin -p zarafa_pass
--log 'path'
-f [config.cfg] Only file name, i.e config.cfg, using exectution directory or full path i.e c:\tmp\config.cfg
WriteConfigToFile -w [false] Write configuration arguments to configuraton file.
-D [Exchange]" << "\t" << "Type of data source, only Exchange, Zarafa, PST and Scalix are supported. [Exchange|Zarafa|PST|Scalix]" << endl;
-E Source profile (overrules -H and -A options)
-H Source server address, e.g. localhost,
-A Source server administrator username.
-P Source server administrator password.
-d [Zarafa] Type of data destination, only Zarafa and PST are supported.[Zarafa|PST]
-h Destination server address, e.g. localhost:236, default port is 236.
-a Destination server administrator username.
-p Destination server administrator password.
-F 'path' Optional: Path to the PST folder, default is current folder. Used when PST type is chosen as DataSource or DataDestination
-c [CSV] Type of coupling. [PST|CSV]
-C 'CSV path' CSV only: Path to the CSV file.
-s ',' Optional: CSV: seperator character in csv file, default is ','.
Date-Time filter:
-t YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS Date-time filter automatically excludes messages from being migrated that are older than the specified date.
-o Outlook PST file format [ANSI] The format of the PST file, only 2003 and later supports unicode. [ANSI|unicode].
-l Log Level[3] 0- None, 1- Fatal, 2- Error, 3- Warning, 4- Info, 5- Any, 6- Debug [0-6].
--log 'path' Enable logging to file.
--help show this help text.
-V Print version info.