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Chapter 3. Changes for Administrators

3.1. Subscription keys
3.2. Packaging layout change
3.3. Zarafa Search
3.4. Support for multiple LDAP servers
3.5. Python Dagent & Spooler hooks
3.5.1. Dagent plugins
3.5.2. Spooler plugins
3.6. Removal of the Perl API
3.7. Zarafa backup optimizations
3.8. Deduplication filter for group recipients
3.9. Reverse Proxy Support for multi-server clusters
3.9.1. Setup Prerequisites
3.10. Restrict admin permissions
3.11. SMTP Delivery notifications
3.12. Zarafa Out of Office configuration
3.13. New zarafa-admin changes

3.1. Subscription keys

When upgrading a supported ZCP version to a new major release, like 7.0.x to 7.1.x, the subscription key has to be converted. Converting subscription keys can be performed on our portal.


During the Beta period and for the RC1 release the 7.0.x subscription key will remain valid. After this release the subscription key has to be converted.