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Chapter 5. Changes in 7.1.1

5.1. Configuration file changes 7.1.1
This .1 minor is the first after the brand new general release of version 7.1 and is a maintenance release for this 7.1 Zarafa Collaboration Platform. The focus of the release in the primary support phase is on stability and security and compatibility with evolving 3rd party software clients and browsers.
In this minor especially stability and usability items, including documentation items to existing functions and the new functions of 7.1 were addressed related to all parts of ZCP. This minor included issues found during upgrades from 5.2 ZCP versions or up and performance optimisations related to PHP, corrections to maintenance tools for the ZCP database and distribution related minor adjustments. The Zarafa offline mysql engine settings have been reviewed and for compatibility reasons now set to 128M on installs and upgraded. The caldav function for opening shared folders had been restored, and works also for Ical6. Ical6 is now a supported version in combination with ZCP 7.1. Users are urged to read the user manual section on caldav for proper usage and understanding.
The minor feature additions in this release are:

5.1. Configuration file changes 7.1.1

No new or altered configurations were made in 7.1.1