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Chapter 8. Changes in 7.1.4

8.1. Configuration file changes 7.1.4
This .4 minor is a maintenance release for this 7.1 Zarafa Collaboration Platform during the primary support phase of this production version.
A good quality improvement on the code has been done by resolving a series of hard to find segfault causes that could be resolved now by the contributions of community and collection of the data, issues were found in the use of a not thread safe library in Red hat and in the Zarafa stats routines. This last release a focus has been made again as part of a re-occurring effort on the verification of Meeting request logic with interactions of various end user clients to enhance the proper functionality and recheck the compatibility of clients, this has resulted in issues found and resolved in this release, as well as in upcoming releases. As part of this a series of time zone changes have been implemented which will also get a follow up in the next major release of Zarafa ZCP. The integration of Zarafa in Outlook 2010 has again been improved by the enabling of the delegate users button, allowing easier access to the open shared stores.
The minor feature additions in this release are:
-Enabled the delegate users button in Outlook 2010.

8.1. Configuration file changes 7.1.4

No changes were made to the default configuration files during this release.