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Hoofdstuk 8. Configure Mobile Platforms

8.1. Z-Push introduction
8.2. Setting up a mobile device
8.2.1. Android based configuration
8.2.2. Windows Mobile based configuration
8.2.3. iPhone based configuration
This chapter describes how to configure the Z-Push software to synchronise PDA’s and Smartphones with a server based solution.
Z-Push is available as an opensource project on Sourceforge -

8.1. Z-Push introduction

The Z-Push software allows users with PDA’s and Smartphones to synchronise their email, contacts, calendar items and tasks directly from a compatible server over UMTS, GPRS, WiFi or GSM data connections. The following devices are natively supported by Z-Push:
  • Apple iPhone and iPad
  • Windows Mobile 5, 6, 6.1 and 6.5
  • Windows Phone 7 and 7.5
  • Nokia E/N-series with Mail for Exchange (M4E)
  • Nokia E-series with built in ActiveSync (Nokia Mail 2)
  • Android Cupcake or Donut with third party tools like Nitrodesk Touchdown
  • Android Eclair with Contacts and Calendar synchronization or third party tools
  • Android Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean using the default ActiveSync client (Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync type account) or third party tools
  • Blackberry PlayBook
  • other ActiveSync compatible devices
The devices can be synchronised because the Z-Push module emulates a MS Exchange server on the server side, allowing users to synchronise without installing specialised synchronisation software on their devices.