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2.13. Settings

In the bottom-right corner of the Zarafa WebAccess, to the left of the log out link, resides a settings link by which the Settings dialog can be opened. The Settings dialog contains 6 tabs, the follwing sections cover each of the tabs.

2.13.1. The “Preferences” tab

Settings: Preferences
2.58. ábra - Settings: Preferences

  • Language, sets the default language for the WebAccess.
  • Color theme, pick one of silver, white and the default (blue).
  • Automatic logout, use this option to increase security and set the WebAccess to logout automatically if it goes unused for the specified amount of time.
  • Startup folder, the folder that is displayed when logging in to the WebAccess.
  • Number of items displayed per page.
  • Reading pane visible, if and where the preview pane for emails should be located. Pick one of Right, Bottom or Off.
  • New mail check timeout, by default the WebAccess will check every 5 minutes for new email.
  • How to respond to requests for read receipts, pick on the the options.
  • Edit Delegates…, opens a dialog for choosing which users are allowed to be the current user’s delegates. Delegates are allowed open the current user’s store, and send messages --emails or (responses on) meeting requests-- on his behalf.
  • Results refresh every (X) seconds, how often (if at all) the results of advanced searches should be refreshed.

2.13.2. The “Compose mail” tab

Settings: Compose mail
2.59. ábra - Settings: Compose mail

  • Reply-to address, the address that recipient of a users emails will “reply to” when replying.
  • Compose mail in this format, composing new mails as Plain text or HTML (rich formatting).
  • Close original message on reply or forward, when double clicking a mail in the list view a dialog pops up showing the message. With this option enabled that dialog will close when either its reply or its forward is clicked.
  • Always request a read receipt, turn this on to automatically request read receipts.
  • AutoSave unsent every: … minutes, set when to auto-save unsent messages.
  • Cursor position when replying, where to start entering text when replying a mail.
  • Set FROM email addresses, here the addresses that can be used to send mail FROM are specified. Use the ‘+’ button on the right to add an address; to remove an address select it and click the ‘-’ button. While composing an email the FROM address can be selected from a drop down menu on top of the TO field — this drop down menu contains the addresses picked with this setting.
Example: Set From address
2.60. ábra - Example: Set from address

  • Edit signatures…, opens the signature dialog from where signatures --for new mails or replies and forwards-- are managed. See 2.61. ábra - HTML signature.
    HTML signature
    2.61. ábra - HTML signature

2.13.3. The “Out of Office” tab

Here a user can mark himself “in” or “out” of the office. The AutoReply message that is sent automatically in reply to all incoming messages can be specified on this tab as well.
To prevent flooding, AutoReplies are only sent once per day to a specific email address.

2.13.4. The “Calendar” tab

  • Start and End of workday, specifies the part of the day that is marked as “workday”.
  • Vertical size, the vertical size of the calendar. People with very large displays want to consider setting it to Large.
  • Calendar resolution, the smallest time block that appointments allign with.
  • Default Reminder, wheather or not reminders are added to appointments by default, and if so, how long before the appointment start the default reminder should occur. These setting can be overwritten per appointment.
The following options relate to the Multi User Calendar (MUC):
  • Number of days displayed, the number of days that are visible at default zoom level in the MUC.
  • Number of days loaded, the number of days that are loaded. When this number is larger then the Number of days displayed, the remaining days need scrolling to be visible.

2.13.5. The “Addressbook” tab

  • Default selected folder/addressbook, sets which folder of addressbook should be used by default throughout the Zarafa WebAccess.

2.13.6. The “Shortcuts” tab

Here keyboard shortcuts can be switched “on” or “off”. All the available keyboard shortcuts are listed here as well.