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5.10. Signing and encrypting messages

Since Zarafa 6.10 it is possible to use S/Mime certificates. Certificates enables the use of digitally signing emails and/or encrypting emails.
The description in this manual is the manual procedure. An automatic way to receive a certificate is to use Active Directory Services (ADS). The automatic method is not described in the client manual, but will be described in the server manual.

5.10.1. Retrieving a certificate

In order to get a certificate a registration at a Certificate Authority (CA) is needed. Multiple possibilities are available; one is to have the Active Directory (AD) act as a CA, the other is to subscribe to an independent CA, like CaCert ( Certificates via AD

The company’s AD is configured to act as a CA:
  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Go to the following URL: http://<domainserver>/servcrt. If the URL is different, ask the systems administrator for the correct URL.
  3. Click on Request a certificate and on the next page on User Certificate to generate a certificate.
  4. The certificate will be placed into Outlook automatically. Certificates via an independent CA

  1. Go to the site of the CA.
  2. Register the email address and create a certificate.
  3. Use Firefox to retrieve the certificate.
  4. In Firefox, go to Tools > Options > Tab Advanced > tab Encryption > button View Certificates.
    Certificate Manager
    5.14. ábra - Certificate Manager

  5. Select the correct Certificate and Click Backup.
  6. Enter a password.
  7. Save the certificate as a PKCS12 file.
  8. Open Outlook.
  9. Go to Tools (if Outlook 2003: Options) > Security Tab > Click Import/Export… > Click Browse…
  10. Select the correct .P12 file.
  11. Enter the previous password.
  12. Enter in the field Digital ID Name: the email address for which the certificate is meant.
  13. Click button OK twice.

5.10.2. Check encrypted email settings

  1. Go to Tools > Options > Security tab > click Settings….
  2. Check if the field Security settings Name: contains the S/MIME settings for the email address.
Security Settings
5.15. ábra - Security Settings

5.10.3. Using the certificate

After entering the certificate into Outlook it can be used to digitally sign outgoing emails or receive encrypted incoming emails.
When a new email or reply is opened two new icons will be present: images/OL_MailSign.png (the option to digitally sign messages) and images/OL_MailEncrypt.png (the option to encrypt the message contents and attachments).