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5. fejezet - Using Outlook

5.1. Working offline
5.1.1. Sending email during offline use
5.1.2. Limitations of working offline
5.2. Folder Management
5.2.1. The creation of a public folder
5.2.2. Sharing of folders (setting permissions)
5.2.3. Adding or opening folders shared by other users
5.2.4. Adding or removing complete stores of other Zarafa users
5.3. Searching in Outlook
5.4. Restoring deleted items
5.5. Free/Busy updates
5.6. Resources
5.7. Out of Office Assistant
5.8. Rules
5.9. Signatures
5.10. Signing and encrypting messages
5.10.1. Retrieving a certificate
5.10.2. Check encrypted email settings
5.10.3. Using the certificate
5.11. Fax Feature
5.12. Delegation
5.12.1. Send on behalf of permissions
5.12.2. Send as
5.13. Categorisation
5.13.1. Create a custom category in Outlook 2007
5.13.2. Create a custom category in Outlook 2002/2003
5.13.3. Categorise items and sort by category
5.14. Mail expiration date
The Zarafa Windows Client does not change the way one works with Outlook significantly. However there are some extra features available to those using Outlook to connect with a Zarafa Server.

5.1. Working offline

After starting Outlook in Cached Zarafa mode or Detect at startup mode additional synchronisation features will be available in Outlook. For instance: the Synchronise button on the toolbar, which shows a progressbar during the synchronisation.
Synchronisation plugin buttons
5.1. ábra - Synchronisation plugin buttons

The synchronisation time can be scheduled by using the configure button.
When synchronisation is started for the first time, the Global Address Book will be synchronysed first.
After the Global Address Book has been synchronised, the Inbox will be synchronised. The most recent emails will be synchronised first.
During the initial synchronisation new email will not be received. New email will be retrieved after the first synchronisation is finished or after Outlook is restarted during the sync. Sending new email during synchronisation, however, will be done immediately.

5.1.1. Sending email during offline use

When email is sent during offline use, the email will be kept in the Outbox. To send the email when the connection to the server has been reinstated, the Send & Receive button has to be selected.
This action can be scheduled by configuring the Send & Receive settings:
Send and receive settings
5.2. ábra - Send and receive settings

5.1.2. Limitations of working offline

Things to consider when using “Offline” functionality:
  • Currently it is not possible to synchronise the favourite folders of the Public Folder or delegate mailboxes.
  • Public Folders and delegate mailboxes will be directly opened from the server, like the Online Zarafa modus, and are thus not available while working offline.
  • The synchronisation of a mailbox of 1000MB will take around 1 hour whith a 100Mb/s network connection to the Zarafa server.
  • In Offline mode it is not possible to open shared mailboxes or set security permissions on folders.
  • In a Cached Mode profile the button Open other user’s folder is disabled.
  • Currently, shared mailboxes and calendars can only be opened via the button Open shared folders or via the button Open a shared calendar in the calendar section of Outlook.
  • If it’s not possible to open the Public Folder after being offline, the session is not available on the server. To open the Public Folder again, it is necessary to restart Outlook to set up a new session.