Since the Zarafa WebAccess is web application, it cannot deliver all functionality a native application can. Especially integration with the desktop is hard for web applications. To overcome this Zarafa has released two extensions for Mozilla Firefox, since most of our clients use this fully open source browser.
Currently Zarafa offers two Firefox extensions from its website:
2.14.1. Zarafa Attachment Drag ‘n’ Drop Extension
By installing this plug-in it is possible to use drag-and-drop for files in order to attach them to messages. It is possible to drag and drop a single file or a selection of multiple files.
From 6.40.4 up, this plug-in also allows messages to be dragged and dropped to the desktop. This function is used by selecting one or more messages and then dragging and dropping the envelope-icon to your desktop, as seen in 그림 2.62. “Drag messages to desktop icon”.
The Zarafa New Mail Notification Extension allows users to check their Zarafa Inbox without opening the Zarafa WebAccess or Outlook. A Zarafa icon is put in the bottom right corner of the Firefox browser and will inform the users about incoming mail. A double click on the icon will redirect users directly to their WebAccess.
It is possible to activate or deactivate the plug-in.
It is necessary to fill in the url of the Zarafa WebAccess and the user’s username.
The advanced settings allow the user to personalise the plug-in by changing the time interval for mail check and enabling/disabling the notification for new mail. It is also possible to specify how the Zarafa WebAccess should be opened when double clicking on the Zarafa icon, and to enable or disable automatic login to the WebAccess.