2.4.3. Copy, move and delete email
The following screenshot (
Pav. 2.15, „Context menu from a mail message“) shows the context menu that shows up when clicking with the right mouse button on an email. Through this menu most copy, move and delete operations are performed. It also is possible to download a message as a file.
To move a single items it is most convenient to simply drag the item to its new location. Place the mouse cursor over the item to be moved, click and hold the left mouse button. Continue to hold the button down while moving the mouse cursor until it is over the folder the message needs to be placed.
Notice that the folder names under the mouse cursor are highlighted while moving. This highlighting marks the folder where the message will be placed when releasing the button.
To move multiple items, first select all the items (only items that are currently visible can be moved). To select a range of items click on the first item and then press and hold the shift button on the keyboard. Before releasing the shift button, use the mouse to click on the last item in the range that needs to be moved. All items between the two items clicked on will become highlighted.
With items that are not consecutive, hold down the control (Ctrl) button on the keyboard while clicking on each item. To drag and drop these items, release the control button, place the mouse cursor on one of the selected messages, drag them into the designated folder. Change email view
In the Zarafa WebAccess, the email view has a default layout: a list of messages with a
From and a
Received colomn. However, like in Outlook, it is possible to change the view by adding or removing columns. To do so, use the right mouse button to click on the header of the list (for example on the
From header field) and select the
Field Chooser option from the context menu. A dialog that looks like
Pav. 2.20, „Field Chooser“ will pop up.
Additionally, it is possible to sort the email list by selecting a specific column. By default email is sorted by the Received date column.