Chapter 3. PHP-MAPI Reference
Table of Contents
- General Functions - Functions that are not directly MAPI related.
- Logon Functions - This section describes the various logon functions.
- Store Functions - This section describes functions which are performed
on MAPI Store objects.
- Folder Functions - This section describes functions which are performed
on MAPI Folder objects.
- Table Functions - This section describes functions which are performed
on MAPI Table objects.
- Rules Functions - This section describes functions which are performed
on the rules table.
- Message Functions - This section describes functions which are performed
on MAPI Message objects.
- Attachment Functions - This section describes functions which are performed
on MAPI Attachment objects.
- Stream Functions - This section describes functions to create streams to
objects and how to use these streams.
- Addressbook Functions - This section describes functions to use the
addressbook for user and e-mail address lookups.
- Freebusy Functions - This section describes freebusy specific functions to
see the freebusy data of the users.
- Zarafa specific text functions - This section describes special functions used to
handle texts of a mailbody.
- Zarafa specific functions - This section describes Zarafa specific functions to
manage users and groups and get and set permissions on